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Cisco Press

It Takes A Village

Cisco Ag students and Mr. Conring

It Takes A Village

The saying, “It takes a village,” is an understatement! The Blessing Box on December 14, 2021, started moving the Cisco Food Pantry to its new location. A special thank you to Brandy Weeks and Ricardo Ojeda for helping carry, stack, and haul all the food from the old location with the help of April Wells, Roger Barritt, Glenn Boles, Staci Wilks, Tammy Douglas, Whitney Mechling, Brian Kelly, Sharon Sellers, Joe York, and Cristen Wilks. Not only did the moving involve food, but commercial size freezers and refrigerators with the help from Brandy Weeks, Ricardo Ojeda, the Cisco Ag. Kids and Mr. Jerry Conring. After moving the food, freezers, and refrigerators, we had some muscle movers come in and move shelving. Thanks to Chris Sanders and Ryan Kennedy. Shelving was taken to be painted and given a new facelift. Thanks to the painters Diego Delgado, William Kennedy and Tony Sanders. A very special thank you to the Cisco Ag. Department and Mr. Jerry Conring for building wooden storage boxes to be used in the store front for The Blessing Box.

Celebrating 95th Birthday Feb. 1st

Jane Crowder

Celebrating 95th Birthday Feb. 1st

Jane Crowder of Cisco will celebrate her 95th Birthday on February 1st. She has 3 children: 2 daughters, Pat and Kathy and one son, Keith. She has grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She loves to play Scrabble and work puzzles. She loves her church Nazarene Church in Cisco and she has lots of friends.

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The Hillside Village

The Hillside Village Quilters would like to present 2021’s raffle winner Ragena Kindle from Cisco. The drawing was held on December 15th and presented December 22nd. Every year the group pieces and quilts a quilt to be raffled off and the proceeds go to a worthy cause. 2021’s proceeds will go to the Cisco ISD back pack program which sends food home with students to eat over the weekend to make sure they get healthy food while they are not in school.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707