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Mary Dyanne Thompson

Mary Dyanne Thompson went to be with the Lord on September 19, 2023, at the age of 79. Dyanne was born in Gorman, Textaos LononSneipeteamndbAerr3le0n, e19M4c3-, TChuorrmy. p Ssohne monarrAiepdriDl o2u9g, r1a9i6se3d, tawnod stoongse. t Hheerr ftahiethy ifnamGiloyd aanndd fhrieernldosveweforer eDxytarnenmeewlyhiicmhpyoorutacnotutldo sdeeev othtreodugtho tthhee mtim. e Sshhee aennjdoyweads palafyiienrgcegcaommes-petitor in bridge, bunko, chicken foot and anything that would bring people together around the table. She was very involved in the WMU for many years at the United Methodist Church in Baird where she served as secretary and numerous other roles. Dyanne loved being around people, building relationships, and helping others.

Dyanne is survived by her husband of 60 years SDoonu: g B, arandd tahnedirwtwifoe sDoenbs-. r cbhieildorfenCaTrabyolno, r aanndd tThaeni-nBerryaannd a wndifewSifuesaTne.sSaoonf: dSraenn A Knegleslioaanndd Kthaetiire c ahnild-ahnudsbBalnadinAe. u Harmony sBteront,hKere: n Dneedany aanndd wthifeeirGacihlioldf rLeenwSiscvoiltlte, Kevin and Kaylen and Baptist

tAhueinrts:pMouasrejsoarined Achdialdirreonf. Georgetown and her children Marsha, Wes and their spouses and children.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be sent to Cisco Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.

Graveside service was held at 2:00 PM Thursday, September 21, 2023 at Murray Memorial Cemetery, under the direction of Edwards Funeral Home.

Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707