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Harmony Bapitst Needs Info.

Harmony Baptist Church has begun planning for its 125th Anniversary celebration that will occur August 2024. We are looking for contact information for any past church members, pastors, youth and music ministers. If you are a past or current member or know of any, please get in touch with us. We would love for you to attend the celebration and will keep you informed as plans are made for events.

Desdemona Fish Fry

The Desdemona Activity Center will have one of our great fish fries Saturday, October 21st . Serving is 5:00 PM—7:00 PM. We will have fish, chicken tenders, beans, french fries, potato salad, slaw, hush puppies, & all the extras. This will be our last fish fry of the year so please don’t miss it. Cost is by donation.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707