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(Spider Rocks cont. from May 5 edition)

Duane, “Two questions: This dot right here (the bend of the ladder) is Oplin? Yes, sir! Duane, “Now what do you hope to find there? What do your waybills say you are looking for? And what kind of marks have you found to verify you are on the right spot?” There are 16 treasures in a certain area there and three on the outside. The area would cover two kilometers one way and three the other. Then there would be an arm reaching out there. I have a map with an arm reaching out on it. I don’t have it where I could show it to you. It goes out toward Williamses on the SW---there’s four on it. Oplin out there has an extra large one where they all were to start with. They were all in one place---like Clyde, and that’s around 70 feet deep, possibly 74, 75, or 76. And they took it out of there and divided it up among themselves, according to what they had. There were five of them taken out of there and it was 19 metric tons, and they were placed around in different places. Then there were others taken out and they took them like this---in four feet square and cubed and three feet cubed. Then some taken out of there, they called it the same as a cord of wood.

Flatwood Cemetery Workday Changed to Sat. , May 21st

The annual work day for the Flatwood Cemetery is set for Saturday, May 21st from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Please bring tools to spread dirt and trim trees. At noon we will have our yearly flag dedication. This year is in honor of the Jordan family. We will then have lunch. Please bring your favorite foods and desserts. Tea and water will be provided. If you have any questions please call Mark Blaylock (254) 631-1801.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707