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TidBits By HVO

TidBits By HVO

Another year comes to its end and we all think of what we didn’t get done and what needs to be done--first, give thanks for all the blessings that has come our way-- in spite of all the goodbyes we’ve had to say to this old year comes to and end... As for this old Tidbits that’s about all we’ve experienced except for all the many blessings of family and friends-- and the faithful customers who continue to resubscribe and who are telling others how nice it is to keep up with local news-- and isn’t all news, LOCAL news because for the most part it affects us all in many ways.

How Smart Was Sis Nusbaum When She Ran Her Husband Off For Investing in Hog Creek Company?

Whenever men meet “to tell stories of great achievements of the gigantic oil industry, someone will always tell, amid a breathless silence, the amazing story of Hog Creek Carruth.” He called himself J. W. “Hog Creek” Carruth. The investors he betrayed no doubt called him much worse. His “amazing story” began in the Texas boom town of Desdemona.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707