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Eastland Telegram

An Explanation

(Ed. Note: In response to recent comments here to the effect that one doesn’t hear “plan of salvation” mentioned in detail or hinted at in some church sermons, readers asked for details. Not a minister, we refer to what is considered the “Plan” distributed by the widely known Billy Graham Association--

Help Record Church Names

EASTLAND COUNTY folks have always been a church-going people and guesses are that there ‘were’ more of the Baptist, Methodist and Church of Christ persuasion, Pentecostal, Holiness and others as well as very historic Catholic Churches in Ranger and Cisco.

River of Life Food Pantry

River of Life Food Pantry

Our goal is to help families that are temporarily in need of assistance. If you would like to contribute to the food pantry this month, we are asking for canned corn, canned mixed vegetables, and macaroni & cheese. These and other items can be donated during office hours at the church office, Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm. The pantry will be open Saturday morning, August 15th from 9AM to 11AM.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707