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Cisco Press



A winery called the Blue Duck has recently opened in Cisco. A man named Adrian is the owner of the winery. He named it the Blue Duck because when he was in high school they played football together, and after high school he and his buddy would get a little group together to play football. They called themselves the blue ducks. Later on they kept the name but changed it from a football team to a winery. Adrian says he loves being able to visit with the people. They have recently joined with Billy Bartee, and have started cooking steaks and ribs and other items. When you enter the Blue Duck Winery you will be welcomed in home town hospitality.



I’ve never taken time to look around and appreciate the buildings. On Friday I decided to do just that, and I noticed an awesome little saying/bible verse on the top of a building, I was just amazed at the sight. The words say “Jesus is Lord” with the Bible verse “What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.” Matthew 10:27.

Church of Christ at 4th and J Gospel Meeting

The Church of Christ at 4th and J street in Cisco, Texas is hosting a gospel meeting on September 18, 19, and 20th. The meeting times will be 7:00 pm on Friday and Saturday nights and 10:30 am on Sunday morning. Brother Ian Jones, an evangelist from Pampa, Texas, will be our speaker. He is a dedicated worker for the Lord. Please come and share fellowship and God's word with us. We look forward to seeing you. For more information call 254-643-3223.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707