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Gorman Progress

From The Mayor

July was the hottest month we’ve ever had according to the weather reports on TV. We can only hope that August will not do likewise. Unfortunately, I’m seeing many dried-up tanks and a lot of folks are having to haul water for the livestock they have left. On top of that, the price of hay is out of sight. Pray for rain! Back to school! What a mixed-up bunch of emotions this time of year elicits. Some students are thrilled and some are not, from fear to joy and everywhere in between. But most parents are thrilled! As a retired superintendent, I too have mixed emotions this time of year. I am elated that I am now retired but I do miss the kids and the faculty. Parents, please support your child’s teachers! Work in partnership with them to help your child be successful! Teachers, remember why you became a teacher! I hope it is because you love kids and teaching. Whatever the reason, write it down and look at it every day and thank you!


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707