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Gorman Progress

Gorman’s Water Tower has a new top!

Gorman’s Water Tower has a new top!

From the Gorman Mayor

Our Commissioners meeting was moved to last Friday and addressed the following agenda items: opening with prayer and the pledges, approved the previous minutes, approved payment of the bills, citizens forum (an inquiry was made regarding our chipper service), a new member for the EDC was approved, received department reports, approved appointment of Dale Curb to the Upper Leon River Municipal Water Authority Board, discussed promp and timely reporting of workers compensation claims, and the second reading approving the 2024-2025 City budget. The Mayor discussed the current projects under way in Gorman and then they adjourned. There will be a preconstruction meeting on the 13 th for the downtown revitalization project that will replace selected sidewalks and add some additional lighting downtown.

Gorman City Commission to Meet

Notice is hereby given that the Gorman City Commission will meet in Regular Session at 5:30 p.m. in the Gorman Community Center at 118 S. Kent St. Gorman, on June 6, 2024, to consider the following agenda items: 1. Opening Prayer, Followed by Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge, Attendance 2. Call the Meeting to Order 3. Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4. Approve the Bills for Payment 5. Discuss and consider whether said structure is a substandard pursuant to Ordinance #2020-03-05B and, if determined to be a substandard, discuss and consider whether the structure should be vacated, secured, repaired, removed or demolished by the owner within a certain time.


Eastland County Today

215 S. Seaman St.
Eastland, Texas 76448
(254) 629-1707